DTU Ultimate Frisbee
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
About this club
We play on the Danish Technical University's grounds in Lyngby, just north of Copenhagen, Denmark.
You don't need to write us to come to practice - please just show up, and we would love to meet you!
The club is very diverse age-wise and level-wise and you do not need to be associated with the university in order to be on the team nor do you need to be of any specific level.
The club identifies as primarily a mixed club, but we also have gender-split trainings both outdoor and indoor.
Danish mix-champions of 2022 (both 1st and 2nd place).
Indoor (October - March):
The indoor halls are in the 101 building in 1st quadrant.
Monday: 5pm - 7pm
Wednesday: 4pm - 6pm
Thursday: 5.45pm - 7.45pm
Sunday: 6pm - 8pm (invite only)
Outdoor (April - September):
The outdoor fields are located in the 2nd quadrant grass fields of the university.
Monday: 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Wednesday: 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Address: Anker Engelunds vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby , Denmark
Number of members: 69
Members (2)
Maintained by:
- Trap Ostrich